August 26, 2008

want to start a business?

I believe it would be some of your dreams to run your own business.

Running a business is certainly a lot of hard work, but rewarding. Being in business is the best personal development course - everything you don't know about business comes and hits you in the face. However, it also means no one can tell you how much you're going to earn.

I chanced upon the six steps to success and I would like to share with you.

1. Be passionate Love what you do and believe in it - you shouldn't be doing it otherwise.

2. Have a point of difference Ask yourself if there's a market for your product or service, then come up with ways to make it stand out.

3. Find a mentor Find an entrepreneur you admire and learn as much as you can from him. Singapore Entrepreneurs ( is a blog for people involved in entrepreneurship and enterprise that offers great tips for setting up a business in Singapore.

4. Creat a business plan It needs to list "what I'm doing", "when I'm going to do it", "who I'll need on my team" and "what skills I need". Review it regularly to check you're on track.

5. Make goals Shoot high but be realistic by concentrating on short-term goals first, ranging from financial targets to marketing or personal goals.

6. Get educated Keep abreast of all things business that'll help you do what you want faster or better. Hope you have gained something for taking the time to read the above.

Suzi Dafnis

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